We train, qualify and employ rangatahi to work on their whenua.
Tāne Mahuta Aotearoa is building workforce capability for young Māori by working with industry Māori and Aotearoa to create career pathways and remove barriers for rangatahi.
Learn While You Earn
On our Learn While You Earn LWYE™ tauira (students) can learn and earn as they work on their whenua. They experience kinaesthetic on-the-job training as they work, and complete in-class assessments and some online learning while they are earning a wage. Trainers provide individual training plans tailored to each person on our programme, encompassing their skill and learning abilities.

Whare Ako Mahi
Whare Ako Mahi is the training subsidiary of Tāne Mahuta, where we implement our training and employment programs such as LYWE™ Learn While You Earn, Ahumahi Mai - Give it a Go, cadetships and more.